Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sore Throats and Runny Noses

Several people have asked how we handle being sick. I think like most people, keep trying to function and make ourselves as comfortable as possible. I have a truly lovely photo of Faith's walrus nose that my hilarious husband took (but I will spare you, LOL). It is much worse than this one.

So as I am writing this, my ear s and throat hurts and my 18 month old has a runny nose and is generally irritable. We're sick, game on.

For the girls - They just went to bed. In their room we have a humidifier with eucalyptus and purify essential oils. We put about four drops of
each in the little tray thing at the top. We also drip eucalyptus on their pillows (two drops). Purify stains so we don't put it on bedding. They brushed their teeth with Dentarome to kill bacteria.

For dinner I upped the spice and made stir fry with leeks, peppers, cabbage, etc. and added lots of ginger, curry, etc. They each ate an applesauce laced with vitamin C and grapefruit seed extract to boost their immunity. It's best to give these before bed - seems to improve their effectiveness.

Before dinner they had a bath. I put about five drops of eucalyptus and five drops of tea tree oil in the bath swirled it around and let them soak in it a little longer than usual.

Tomorrow we'll limit milk products (for the mucus) and keep trying to boost our immunity. We'll keep up these measures until we're all better.

* * * * *

Several friends have asked about the essential oils. I just found this website with a video and decided to try one of the testimonials. Like I said, my throat is hurting. Sooooo I took some thieves oil and put it directly under my tongue. – Seriously – just now. It burned!!! I drank water and forced myself to swallow it. My mouth does not burn anymore and my throat is remarkably better. I feel like I did a product test right here with you LOL. Anyway - young living makes very good oils, but they are very expensive. Thieves, Relieve it and Panaway are unique blends I can't find a comparable substitute for, so we just bite the budget on those. We have a friend (Gloria) who is a distributor, so I’m sure she would appreciate the business if you decided to try some.
I linked the other oils to Lucky Vitamin. You may find a better deal - this site has been my favorite for shipping costs, speed and overall price. I wish I received a discount for plugging their company, but right now, it’s just a way I can share the info. Here's a couple more sites that may be of use: The Herbs Place and Wholistic Scents. As you can tell from the burning false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Thieves experience just moments ago - I am far from an expert. Let me know what you try and how it works for you!

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One of our students came over the other night and we were chatting about our lifestyle. He said, "Two habits too expensive to get into: drinking and eating healthy." Thanks Kenny LOL!

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