Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Confession #26 - Politics, Religion, & Scouts

I don't know why ...but a certain friend seems to think that working for a library and being a Girl Scout is not the coolest resume of young adulthood.  What do I say to that? .....yuh huh!!!

I was a Girl Scout from first grade through graduation. I received just about every award offered including the Gold Award which is the highest award offered to Girl Scouts.  I then became a leader for a troop at my former elementary school, for my sister's troop and then sporadically volunteered off and on for years. I loved being a Girl Scout.  I wouldn't trade those experiences, the friendships I made (and still have) for anything.

But... looking ahead for my little girls...after some research... decided that we really didn't want to stay with the Girl Scouts anymore.  ...for two primary reasons:
  1. God has been really put to the side.  I was asked not to be outward about my beliefs way back when I was in high school working at a camp.  This sweet little brownie asked why people go to church.  I wanted to share but I didn't.  At that time, I didn't really know how to explain faith and I was concerned I would get in trouble with the leadership.  I pray for that little girl (now adult woman) that someone less intimidated than I - explained to her how to know God.

  2. The larger organization is a little too cozy with the pro-choice movement.  I don't want to get political (and I don't want my girls character building organization to get political either).  If you know me, you know I place a high value on babies.  I love what my friend CA tells her young sons, "God made you bigger and stronger so you can protect the weaker."  (Girl, I am so using that!)  You know I have lost two babies to miscarriage and feel extremely grateful for the children God has given us. And we chose our means of birth control based on our pro-life beliefs.
An aside: I've read several sources, but here is one that emphasizes my prime issues. It is a Catholic site and you probably know I'm protestant.  But I find I often align well with the Catholic pro-life stand.

So we opted for the newer organization called American Heritage Girls.  I love AHG.  It is a publicly Christian club for girls age 5 and up.  The girls are not required to be Christian, but all the leaders are must sign a statement of faith and pass a background check.  I can unabashedly express my faith and touring planned parenthood is not listed an acceptable field trip for elementary school girls.  Here's a comparison of the two organizations.

So, this is my American Heritage Girl.  We're doing weaving, beading, learning the flag ceremony, going Christmas caroling at a nursing home, going camping, singing ridiculous songs and all the great stuff that was really fun when I was a young girl.

I wish the Girl Scouts were the same as I remember them almost 30 years ago when I got my Brownie pin.  But gratefully there are alternatives like AHG.  And I confess, I am having a blast doing the "Strut Miss Lucy" again!

Love, Carra

1 comment:

  1. You have to stand firm on your beliefs. I had not heard of the American Heritage Girl Organization especially since I do not have a daughter, but it would be interesting to see if there was a brother organization for little boys.


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